News and Updates
Get excited for GE:09 Weekend, May 22-23! The guest speaker is everybody's favorite MATT GAMBLE, with musical guests SEA OF GLASS. This event, as always, is absolutely FREE. Wet n' Wild tickets are usually $25, and go on sale Saturday evening. Check out for more info.
Pastor Allan Martin, Shayna Bailey, and Lynell LaMountain have a new book out called "GODencounters: Pursuing a 24/7 Experience With Jesus." Order it now or at the GODencounters Conference!
Hey, campus ministry leaders! Pastor Ron and Kirk King have a new book out that should be a great resource to you. Its called "The Word on Campus," and it includes a DVD. Check it out here!
Our ACF/Campus Advent Leadership Conference was a great success. Collegiate leaders came together from across Florida and began the initial stages of taking our ministry to new heights. We discussed mission trips, being effective witnesses for God, forming relationships with the people on our campuses, reaching out to our Alumni, and showing God's love wherever we are. We formed effective game plans about what can do on our own campuses and what can our organization do as a whole. We need your prayers and support in helping us with our new endeavors.
We have our own facebook page! In order to better communicate with all of our past, current, and future members we have set a page on Facebook. Join click on this link and join. Check out our recent photos and start posting discussion on the discussion board!
Pastor Allan Martin wants you to pray for upcoming GodEncounters events happening in 2009. Please any or all of the following events to pray for:
• GODencounters gathering coming to University of Washington in January 2009
• GODencounters book to be published by Pacific Press
• GODencounters retreat coming to Atlantic Union Conference in February 2009
• Interests for GODencounters has sparked in Southern California, Gulf States Conference, Australia, and New Zealand
• GODencounters gatherings return to Florida, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee Summer 2009
Please feel free to post some of your prayers on the GodEncounters group on